

Southern Section of the American Federation for Medical Research (February 09-11, 2012, New Orleans, LA)

Taylor BS, Garduno L, Wammack L, Gerardi M, Walter E, Bullock D,  Turner BJ . The san antonio HIV cohort (SAHIV): Assessing quality of care measures for hypertension and dyslipidemia in an HIV Clinic. 

Turner BJ, Liang Y, Du F.  Limited PSA testing in multiracial indigent men in Texas. 


Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality 2011 Annual Conference (September 18-21, 2011)

Ferrer, RL. Strategies to Put Patients at the Center of Primary Care: Partnering for Health. (Presentation). 


The Research Questions No One is Asking.  North American Primary Care Research Group 39th Annual Meeting, Banff, Canada (November 11-16, 2011).

Ferrer, RL. Evaluating Health Behavior At The Interface of Person And Environment With The Capability Approach (Presentation).

Ferrer, RL. The Research Questions No One is Asking (Presentation).


3rd Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day (February 15, 2012, San Antonio, TX)

Aung K, Turner BJ, Pugh MJ. Outcomes associated with exposure to high risk medications in elderly with chronic pain (Poster)

Aung K, Htay T. Thiazide diuretic use is associated with reduced risk of hip fracture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Poster)

Aung K, Htay T. Calcium Supplements raising the risk of myocardial infarction: Is the risk clinically significant? (Poster)

Aung K, Dong F, Badgett R. Arrow plots for meta-analyses of surrogate and clinical outcomes (Poster)


Sustainable City series, Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University (April 5th, 2012, Houston, TX)
Ferrer, RL. Health and the Built Environment: From Policy to Places (Presentation).


Best Poster Award for Associate Professor/Professor Category in the 3rd Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day


Aung K, Turner BJ, Pugh MJ. Outcomes associated with exposure to high risk   
medications in elderly with chronic pain


2012 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Geriatrics Society (May 2-5, 2012, Seattle, WA)   Aung K, Turner BJ, Pugh MJ. Outcomes associated with exposure to high risk medications in elderly with chronic pain (Presidential Poster Session)


Aung K. Stevens K. Psycho-educational interventions for caregivers of seniors: A Systematic Review (Poster)


35th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine (May 9-12, 2012, Orlando, FL)


Aung K, Turner BJ, Pugh MJ. Outcomes associated with exposure to high risk   

medications in elderly with chronic pain (Poster)


Aung K, Dong F, Badgett R. Arrow Plots: An Innovative Method of Plotting Surrogate and Clinical Outcomes in Meta-analyses (Oral Presentation)


Taylor, BS, Garduno LS, Gerardi MB, Walter E, Bullock D, Turner BJ. Evaluating    failures in weight and diabetes management in an HIV cohort.